This doc aims to describe the process and agenda on how to get a PhD co-funding between French universities (UT3, Toulouse, and CYU, Paris Cergy) and A*STAR AGA (ARAP program) under IPAL lab.
The PhD student will:
- Be registered with the FR university
- Spend half time in France (Toulouse or Cergy) and half time in Singapore. Long stays on both sides must be planned (1.5-1.5 y ideally; at least 1 year on a given side)
- Get 2 successive employment contracts (one with the FR univ and one with ASTAR).
- Identify a collaborator with the other partner and a topic in accordance with IPAL research themes (
- You can use this form to make a collaboration request:
- Select a PhD candidate
- Send a ½ page project & CV of the candidate to the UT3 or CYU board
- February: deadline to submit the application to the board
- Between March and May 15th: ASTAR collaborator to seek and obtain endorsement from their ASTAR Research Institute (e.g. I2R, IHPC, BII, etc.) to proceed with ARAP application.
- May 15th: deadline to submit the AGA ARAP application.
(More information:
Important note: for step 6, we only need the in principle approval from AGA. The ARAP agreement will be signed when we get the in principle approval from the university.
- June: In principle approval from FR University
- October 1st: deadline to get registered with the FR univ (with the 2 in principle approvals)
- Send back all the required documents to AGA after formal registration with the FR university for signing the ARAP AGA agreement.
CYU Board
- Lola Canamero, Dir ETIS lab,
- Dan Vodislav, Deputy President for Research,
UT3 Board
- Farah Benamara, Prof UT3,
- Axel Carlier, Ass Prof INPT,
IPAL Board
- Christophe Jouffrais, CNRS, Dir IPAL,
- Cheston Tan, ASTAR, Codir IPAL,
- Wei Tsang OOI, NUS, Codir IPAL,
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