Martial MERMILLOD personal page
- Position and research topics
Dr Martial Mermillod (Full Professor, IUF, Chair Core AI “Towards Robust and Understandable Neuromorphic Systems” at the AI Cluster MIAI, Director of the LPNC, Laboratory of Psychology and NeuroCognition) is a scientific researcher in the fields of neural computation, psychological sciences, cognitive neurosciences applied to the field of visual perception, visual cognition and affective sciences. He has published more than 130 articles in highly ranked journals (including Neural Networks, NeuroComputing, Connection Science, Cognition, Journal of Neurosciences, Psychological Science, Behavioural and Brain Science, Nature Communications, etc.) Details are provided here: His research topic is to use our knowledge of the human brain and cognition to develop more reliable and efficient Deep Learning neural networks. His current line of research applies AI to ecological transition in order to provide efficient solutions to planetary boundaries.
Personal webpage:
- Current or intended projects in relation with IPAL
We don’t have projects currently funded by IPAL.
- IPAL Research Theme with a possibility of contribution
- Theme 2: AI & HCI (Augmented Human, Augmented Cognition, etc.)
- Theme 4: Data Science and Applications
- Theme 5: Efficient AI
- French and/or Singaporean collaborators
Benoit Cottereau, Sylvain Saighi, Savitha Ramasamy, Rufin VanRullen, Benoit Miramond, etc.
- Intended internship or PhD proposal
I am open to collaborative opportunities for a PhD or post-doctoral proposal in bio-inspired Deep Learning, specifically focusing on research that advances AI for human benefit and ecological transition. Fields of application include enhancing adhesion to resilient cities, addressing disinformation in social networks, and developing models of human metacognition in order to improve error detection by AI.