Talks, workshops, events, etc

[Welcome to IPAL] Caroline Chaux

[Welcome to IPAL] Caroline Chaux

Caroline Chaux joined IPAL on July, 15th for two years as a full-time CNRS senior researcher and NUS adjunct professor at SoC. She received the engineering degree in telecommunications from the...

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[Welcome to IPAL] Mathias Quoy

[Welcome to IPAL] Mathias Quoy

Mathias Quoy is a full time Professor at CY Cergy-Paris University (CYU) and a member of the ETIS Lab. Graduated in computer science from the ENSEEIHT engineering school in 1990, Mathias Quoy got a...

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IRL IPAL and DesCartes Program

IRL IPAL and DesCartes Program

IPAL takes part in the CNRS@CREATE Program DesCartes. Program DesCartes aims to develop disruptive hybrid AI to serve the smart city and to enable optimized decision-making in complex situations,...

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ISS 2020: Honorable Mention Award

ISS 2020: Honorable Mention Award

{"dynamic":true,"content":"post_title","settings":{"before":" ","after":" "}} The paper by C. Jouffrais and co-authors entitled /VibHand: On-Hand Vibrotactile Interface Enhancing Non-Visual...

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