Axel Carlier personal page

Axel Carlier

Axel Carlier

Assistant Professor at Toulouse INP, IRIT

  • Position

Assistant Professor at Toulouse INP, IRIT

  • Research topics with IPAL

I have a long-standing collaboration throuh IPAL with Associate Professor Wei Tsang Ooi from National University of Singapore. We have worked together on Interactive Multimedia Systems, including for example zoomable video players, bookmarked VoD, and more recently a DASH adaptation to support 3D content streaming.

I am currently working with Christophe Jouffrais, Wei Tsang Ooi, Benoit Cottereau and Vincent Charvillat on a project in which we aim at fusing several sources of data (3D, video, event-based camera) and AI-based processing (segmentation, recognition, etc.) to support blind people’s navigation.

  • Collaborators at IPAL

Wei Tsang Ooi, Christophe Jouffras, Vincent Charvillat

  • Supervisions at IPAL

Current PhD students at IPAL: Julien Desvergnes

Current Interns at IPAL: 

  • Link to webpage

You can know more about me here: