Artificial Intelligence Lab Program

IPAL hosts a 5-year FR-SG program on Artificial Intelligence signed between French and Singaporean ministries of Defense. The purpose of this renewable 5-year program is to conduct scientific research and fostering emerging technologies that are of mutual interest to defense and security, starting firstly in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Ongoing projects

Three projects were already launched under the AI Lab Program:

  • SPACE-SNN: The aim of this project is to take inspiration from biology to design fast, robust and energy efficient artificial vision systems dealing with motion, depth, image restoration, odometry, mapping and localization under degraded visual conditions. These systems will be based on Event-based cameras and Spiking neural networks (SNNs).
  • TAP – Trustworthy Automated Programming: The challenge is to achieve safety and cybersecurity in software without having to author voluminous formal specifications. Recent developments on automated code generation from large language models (LLMs) provide a fresh perspective in this regard. 

  • Amania – AI-based interaction techniques for Human-Swarm Interaction: The primary objective of this project is to create a Human-Centred Intelligent System that facilitates collaboration between human operators and swarms of drones. The project focuses on the context of controlling multiple UAVs by a single operator, considering the challenges of managing and monitoring a fleet of drones effectively, with a focus on using AI planning and navigation tools and scene understanding in restricted visual conditions.