Talks, workshops, events, etc
SINFRA 2024 – Building the foundations for the 2026-2030 IPAL program
Opening of SINFRA 2024, 24/06/2024, A*STAR. Credits: IPAL.SINFRA 2024 gathered researchers from IPAL laboratory and potential partners the 24-25 June at NUS and A*STAR. SINFRA 2024, the annual...
You consider joining IPAL for a PhD but you wonder if NUS is a good University
The National University of Singapore (NUS) is globally recognized as one of the leading universities in the world, attracting students and faculty from diverse backgrounds and maintaining a...
You consider joining IPAL for a PhD but you wonder about Singapore ?
You consider joining IPAL for doing a PhD but you wonder about Singapore ? Singapore is a vibrant and dynamic city that captivates visitors and residents alike with its unique blend of...
Visit of CY Cergy Paris University in Singapore
IPAL is grateful to have received the visit of CY Cergy Paris University on Tuesday 26th of March. The delegation was composed of: Prof. Luciana Radut-Gaghi, Vice-president international Relations...
Official launch of the AI Lab Program
An agreement between the French and Singaporean ministries of Defense has been signed in 2023, officially launching the Artificial Intelligence Lab Program. IPAL will be hosting this 5-year program,...
[SINFRA 2024] 24-25 June
Each year, the international IPAL laboratory (CNRS, NUS, A*STAR, Univ Toulouse 3, Toulouse INP, CYU) organizes a workshop which promotes collaboration between France and Singapore in the field of...