Benoit R. Cottereau personal page



Research Director, CNRS

  • Position and research topics

CNRS Research director (DR2) at the IPAL (IRL 2955, Singapore) and CerCo (UMR 5549, Toulouse) laboratories. Director of the Spatial Vision in Man, Monkey and Machine team of the CerCo (SV3M: Leader (with Wei Tsang Ooi) of the ‘Efficient AI’ research team at IPAL.

My researches aim at understanding visual perception and spatial cognition from a multi-model (human, monkey, machine) and trans-disciplinary (computational modelling, behaviour, neuroimaging) approach. I notably develop bio-inspired vision systems which are based on event-based cameras and spiking neural networks. My work has numerous applications in terms of technological outputs (e.g., for designing bio-inspired intelligent systems) and in the clinical domain (e.g., for assisting patients with visual pathologies).

Themes: Vision, Spatial perception and cognition, Bio-inspired AI, Efficient AI, Computational modelling, Computer Vision

Personal webpage:  

  • Current or Intended projects in relation with IPAL

In IPAL, I currently lead the SPACE-SNN project (2023-2027, ~1.8 million euros) whose aim is to develop bio-inspired and energy efficient artificial vision systems for spatial cognition. These systems are based on event-based cameras and spiking neural networks. They should be able to extract the spatio-temporal properties (depth, motion, …) of the visual scene in various (and notably degraded) environments. This project is led in collaboration with Singapore, notably with Gim Hee Lee (NUS) and Angela Wang (SUTD).

I am also involved in the DesCartes program where I am a principal investigator on workpackage 4 which aims at enabling synergetic human-AI collaborations (see: 

  •  IPAL Research Theme
  • Theme 2: AI & HCI (Augmented Human, Augmented Cognition, etc.)
  • Theme 5: Efficient AI

Details here:

  • French and/or Singaporean collaborators 

Wei Tsang Ooi (NUS), Ying Sun (A*STAR), Lai Xing Ng (A*STAR), Gim Hee Lee (NUS), Angela Wang (SUTD), Chrisophe Jouffrais (CNRS), Christophe Hurter (ENAC), Nicolas Cuperlier (CYU)

  • Supervisions at IPAL

Lingdong Kong (NUS), Thanh Nguyen (NUS), Geoffroy Keime (CNRS), Onur Ates (CNRS)