Jean-Michel BRUEL personal page

Jean-Michel Bruel

Jean-Michel Bruel

Director of the Computer Science department, Technical Institute of Blagnac


  • Position

Member of the SM@RT team of the IRIT Laboratory, Jean-Michel is a full professor at the Technical Institute of Blagnac, where he is director of the Computer Science department. He specializes in Model-Based Systems Engineering and lead a 5 years Airbus industrial chair on that topic. In that context he is looking for AI expertise and collaboration, more specifically in: Human-machine dialogue to support and automate early V&V activities, NLP for requirements formalization, explicability and trust, and automatic ontologies alignment.


  • Research topics with IPAL

Current or Intended projects:

The COllaborative & COntinuous VAlue Delivery (CoCoVaD) project is situated in the context of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). It aims at developing a methodology and platform for digitizing the development and integrating different subsystems in an overall cyberphysical one. This project offers a collaborative development by considering the different interactions and exchanges not only between subsystems but also between the different stakeholders of the system under development. The continuous aspect of the development includes many activities such as the verification and validation activities and the management of the traceability of the different documents. The integration branch of CoCoVaD is interested in the changes at any moment at the same abstraction level or at different development levels. Finally, this project is looking at identifying the value added to the developed models which are huge leading CoCoVaD to tackle the following challenges: (a) manage the massive data and documents, (b) manage the heterogeneity of models, (c) reuse of the existing, (d) include the human side in all the development process steps, (e) formalize the requirements and keep their trace up to date along the development, and (f) early and continuous verification and validation of the models.


  • Collaborators at IPAL


The collaborators that may be contacted for an upcoming visit at IPAL include the colleagues from IRIT (Imen Sayar, Sophie Ebersold, Marc Pantel, Nathalie Hernandez, Olivier Teste), as well as Mohammad Chami, recent doctor in the SMA@RT team.


  • Supervisions at IPAL

The chair hosts one post-doc and three Ph.Ds. and we intend to submit an internship at IPAL for each of them depending on the future projects.


  • Link to webpage


You can know more about me here: