Julien Desvergnes personal page
Julien Desvergnes
PhD Student in computer science
- Position
Phd-Student under the supervision of Christophe Jouffrais (IPAL CNRS) and Vincent Charvillat (ENSEEIHT INPT)
Research subject: Visual rendering for the blind in the context of navigation.
- Research topics with IPAL
Simulated prosthetic vision (SPV)
Deep reinforcement learning
- Collaborators
Wei Tsang OOI (NUS), Vincent Charvillat & Axel Carlier (ENSEEIHT INPT), Christophe Jouffrais (IPAL CNRS), Marc Macé & Bernard Oriola (IRIT CNRS), Christophe Hurter (ENAC), Benoit Cottereau & Paul Fricker (CNRS CERCO)