
IPAL is composed of six Singaporean and French main partners:

  • A*STAR: the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) drives mission-oriented research that advances scientific discovery and technological innovation. It plays a key role in nurturing and developing talent and leaders for Research Institutes, the wider research community, and industry.
  • CNRSThe National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a major player in basic research on the global stage and the only organisation in France that is active in all fields of science. Its unique position as a specialist in multiple fields means that it can bring together different scientific disciplines to shed light on and gain insight into current global challenges, in partnership with public sector, social and economic stakeholders. Together the sciences are used to bring about sustainable progress that benefits the whole of society.
  • NUS: the National University of Singapore (NUS) aspires to be a vital community of academics, researchers, staff, students and alumni working together in a spirit of innovation and enterprise for a better world. Their singular focus on talent will be the cornerstone of a truly great university that is dedicated to quality education, influential research and visionary enterprise, in service of country and society.
  • CYU: Cergy Paris Université (CYU)
  • INP Toulouse: Institut National Polytchnique de Toulouse
  • Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
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