TRUONG HUU Tram personal page



Assistant Professor at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and Computer Scientist at A*STAR

  • Position

Lead for AI for Cybersecurity Initiative

  • Research topics with IPAL

Current projects:

  • AI for malware detection:
    • Develop and deploy malware analysis infrastructures (distributed dynamic analysis infrastructure) to speed up malware analysis and feature extraction.
    • Identify new feature vectors, which can be learnt by deep learning models (1D-CNN) for malware detection.
    • Address the drawbacks of malware static analysis (due to obfuscation) and dynamic analysis (due to anti-virtualization)
  • AI for network security:
    • Develop tools for traffic feature extraction: features from packet headers (layer 2 and layer 3), TLS headers to handle encrypted traffic
    • Develop deep learning models for network anomaly detection (GAN, Autoencoder, …)
    • Develop deep learning models for attack classification (i.e., 1D-CNN for botnet classification)
    • Develop semi-supervised learning model to address the problem of imbalanced data and less labeled data in network security
  • Federated learning for data privacy preserving
    • Develop a federated learning framework that enable parallel learning of a model on multiple distributed training datasets while protecting data privacy

Intended projects:

  • Adversarial learning in malware analysis and detection
  • AI for next-gen networking: reinforcement learning for traffic engineering and network management
  • Federated learning for edge systems
    • Data sharing platforms/markets while protecting data privacy
    • Self-supervised learning/continual learning for edges to address the resource constraints at edge and less labeled data constraints.


  • Collaborators at IPAL

Son Vu – ENSEA, ETIS Lab

  • Supervisions at IPAL

Yes, I would like to submit an internship (February – September) or PhD proposal to French students.

  • Topic 1: Feature engineering for Windows malware analysis and detection using deep learning
    • Requirements: Strong Python programming, strong background in malware analysis
  • Topic 2: Reinforcement learning for adversarial malware generation
    • Requirements: Strong C and Python programming, strong background in malware analysis
  • Topic 3: Reinforcement learning for traffic routing in software-defined networks
    • Requirements: Strong Python programming, strong background in networking
    • Link to webpage

    You can know more about me here: https://