Vincent BONNET personal page

Vincent BONNET

Vincent BONNET

  • Position and research topics

V. Bonnet received the MsC. degree and the Ph.D. degree in automatics control and robotics, from the Science University of Montpellier 2. In 2010 he was a post-doc at the University of Rome Foro Italico, Italy. In 2014 he became a post-doc for the Japanese Society for Promotion of Research at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Tokyo, Japan. From 2016 to 2021 he was an associate professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil. Since 2021 he is associate professor at the University of Toulouse 3 and member of the LAAS-CNRS. His research interests are very interdisciplinary and include low-cost sensors, humanoid robotics, system identification motion analysis, and control

  • Current or intended projects in relation with IPAL

HyHELP: Hybrid PoLicy optimization for Human robotic assistance

In brief, we will develop new tools to assess human kinodynamics state in real-time, predict motion using Inverse Reinforcement Learning and assist it using a new type of human-centred controller for collaborative robot.

  • IPAL Research Theme with a possibility of contribution

– Theme 1: Explainable and Trustable AI

– Theme 2: AI & HCI (Augmented Human, Augmented Cognition, etc.)