[Welcome to IPAL] Caroline Chaux
Caroline Chaux joined IPAL on July, 15th for two years as a full-time CNRS senior researcher and NUS adjunct professor at SoC.
She received the engineering degree in telecommunications from the Institut des Sciences de l’Ingénieur de Toulon et du Var (ISITV), France, and the DEA degree in Signal and Digital Communications from the Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France in 2003. In 2006, she then received the PhD degree in signal and image processing from University Paris-Est (Laboratoire d’Informatique Gaspard Monge UMR-CNRS 8049), France, 2006. In 2006-07, she was post-doctoral fellow with the ARIANA research group (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée) before being appointed the same year by CNRS as research scientist in the Laboratoire d’Informatique (UMR-CNRS 8049) of the University Paris-Est. In 2012, she moved to the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (France) of Aix-Marseille Université and she recently moved to Singapore.
Her research activities focus on signal and image processing. More precisely, she is interested in solving inverse problems for which she develops methods based on optimization, multiresolution analysis, and statistics. She is keen on working on various applications such as microscopy, analytical chemistry, etc. thus participating to interdisciplinary projects.
She is involved to the French-Singaporean CNRS@CREATE Descartes project.
- Contact: caroline.chaux@cnrs.fr
- Website: https://ipal.cnrs.fr/caroline-chaux-personal-page/
- Offices: NUS SoC COM2 and CNRS@CREATE #08-01 Create Tower.