XU Peisen personal page

XU Peisen

XU Peisen

PhD Student - Research Assistant


As a PhD student, I am involved in the WP4 of the DesCartes Program.

I work on using optical head-mounted display (OHMD), such as HoloLens 2 or Apple Vision Pro, to assist drone pilot with a range of tasks, including drone operation preparation, monitoring the drone flight, send commands to the drones or manage the traffic of multiple drones.


  • Research topics with IPAL

Current or Intended projects:

Current Project: Heads-up Drone Navigation Interface for Reducing Cognitive Load in Inspection Missions

Future projects:

  1. Designing a mixed-reality system to scaffold a range of drone operation preparation tasks and to support real-time 3D visualization in drone flight monitoring.

(Drone will use AI to handle path-planning and obstacle avoidance)

  1. Unmanned air-traffic control in mixed reality that allow intuitive 3D visualization and manipulation.

(AI will be used to efficiently distribute drone resources to different tasks, based on proximity, safety, and battery conditions)


  • French collaborators 

Christophe Jouffrais (IPAL, CNRS)

Jérémie Garcia (ENAC)


  • Intended internships  
  • Looking for an internship that is familiar with the technical specificities of SLAM algorithms (e.g. ORB-SLAM) and can modify them to suit the project’s needs. Knowledge on Deep Learning is a bonus point.
  • Looking for an internship to help us find and establish industrial collaboration, conduct interview and arrange meetings.