Martial MERMILLOD personal page

Martial MERMILLOD personal page Martial MERMILLOD Position and research topics Dr Martial Mermillod (Full Professor, IUF, Chair Core AI “Towards Robust and Understandable Neuromorphic Systems” at the AI Cluster MIAI, Director of the LPNC, Laboratory of Psychology and...

Ayrton SAN JOAQUIN personal page

Ayrton SAN JOAQUIN personal page Ayrton SAN JOAQUIN Position and research topics Ayrton is a research assistant at CNRS@CREATE under its DesCartes Program, a collaboration between the French and Singaporean governments to build Hybrid AI for the Smart City. He works...

Trevor E. CARLSON personal page

Trevor E. CARLSON personal page Trevor E. CARLSON Position and research topics Personal webpage: Current or intended projects in relation with IPAL AI hardware design for flexible, efficient systems. A software-security solution to...

IPAL IPA – A*STAR co-funding

Aim This doc aims to describe the process and agenda on how to get a PhD co-funding between French universities (UT3, Toulouse, and CYU, Paris Cergy) and A*STAR AGA (ARAP program) under IPAL lab. The PhD student will: Be registered with the FR university Spend half...